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The Badger City Gang [Bride Train 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 6

  She lay suspended in air. Zach’s hands on her breasts, her back on his chest, and her legs over Rusty’s shoulders, kept her above the ground. Rusty looked up, her dark curls mixing with his beard. His eyes stared into her with an intensity she’d never seen before, on anyone. He pulled his mouth back and trailed his finger between her lower lips. Watching her eyes, he gently pressed his finger inside her. She automatically clenched at the intrusion. A slow smile crept over him.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Hold my cock like that when I’m inside you.” He looked up. “I wish I’d brought a razor. Can’t get close enough to Kate’s puss without worrying about scratching her with my beard.”

  “Try!” she gasped.

  He laughed and dropped his head again.

  When the explosion came, it was nothing like she could have ever described. She was reborn into a world with more pleasure than she could have ever imagined. She sagged, thinking it was over when Rusty let her wobbly legs down. He swept her into his arms and held her as Zach lay on their blankets.

  “Time to sleep?”

  Zach barked a laugh. “Time for you to let loose.”

  “There’s more?” She looked to Rusty for confirmation.

  “Darlin’, we’ve barely started.” He pointed his chin toward Zach. “You ride a horse so well, you should know how to ride Zach’s cock.”

  It rose, hard and proud, above his belly. He held out his arms to her, wiggling his fingers to pull her in. Rusty set her down with her feet either side of Zach’s hips.

  “We want you, Miss Katherine Mason,” said Zach, suddenly formal. “But we’ll stop here if you want. A woman only loses her virginity once. After this, you’ll not be a maid, and your husband might be jealous that you’ve given it to another.”

  All her life she’d be told that all a woman had was her name and her reputation. No man had touched her, yet her reputation was spoiled long ago. Not because of morality, but because she wanted to see, to do, to feel, and to think, and that made her an unnatural woman.

  Not to Zach and Rusty.

  “If a man doesn’t want me the way I am, then he’s not the man for me,” she said.

  Kate looked down, again in a position of power. These men were proud she rode a horse astride. They argued with her as if her opinion counted, and made her feel like magic. But Zach’s cock was so big. Rusty’s was the same. Perhaps shorter men had smaller parts? If she could master these, any other man would fit.

  “We’ll take our time,” said Rusty in a soothing voice. He slid his hand over her bottom and squeezed. “All the time you need. Your release will have relaxed you, but we can give you another one.”

  “Hands off Kate. It’s my turn.” Zach glared up at Rusty, then smiled at her. “Come on down, sugar. Sit your hot puss on my belly and give me a nipple to suck on.”

  She dropped until her knees touched the blanket either side of his hips. He opened his mouth wide, expectantly. She laughed and leaned over until her nipple was just above his lips. A finger slid into her pussy. She jerked forward in surprise. Zach caught her nipple with his lips and nibbled. She felt Rusty’s tongue between her pussy lips, then another finger.

  “I’m gonna stretch you a bit, so Zach’ll fit better,” he said. “Two fingers.”

  Rusty kissed her bottom as well as her pussy. She relaxed and let them do what they wished. It wasn’t that she was giving up, or even giving in. It was a giving and accepting, between them.

  She was quivering with tension when Rusty tugged on her hips, pulling her backward. She let him guide her and found Zach’s cock between her pussy and his belly.

  “Slide back and forth on my cock,” said Zach.

  She found her rhythm, pressing down where she wanted, but it wasn’t enough. Rusty had her push far forward. When she moved back to sit on Zach’s belly, she found something hard, and big, waiting for her.

  She wiggled as Rusty aimed Zach’s cock into her. She pulsed, pushing down a bit more each time. She felt no pain, only pleasure. Surprised, she looked questioningly at Zach.

  “I thought it was supposed to hurt the first time!”

  “You rode a horse astride, fast and hard today. It might have broken your uh, barrier, but I don’t mind.” He lightly pinched her nipples. She arched and settled another inch. His smile broadened. “Yep, it’s a good thing.”

  If riding a horse would destroy her maidenhead, then she’d lost it when she was seventeen. But she’d won that race!

  It was a very good thing to have lost it, she thought a few minutes later as she ground herself against Zach’s belly. There was a spot—right there!—that felt so wonderful. She opened her eyes when she felt hands pressing against her shoulders.

  “Sit up, Kate. Time for action.”

  “But that felt so good,” she complained.

  Zach slid his fingers into the curls where she joined against him. “You mean this?” A shot of fire zinged through her.


  She gasped when he did it again. And again. She wanted more, so lifted herself up and down on Zach’s cock. He kept his finger busy. So did Rusty. He worked her breast, playing with her nipple, with one hand. The other one squeezed her bottom.

  Something tightened inside her. She sped up, uncaring of anything but her need. A blinding, hot light hit her right where Zach’s finger and cock connected. Zach held her waist, lifting her and slamming her down. She squeezed him from inside. He roared and jerked, shaking until she collapsed on his chest.

  A minute later Rusty lifted her, setting her on her hands and knees beside Zach. He panted almost as hard as she.

  “Raise that sweet ass to me, sugar. Show me what you gave Zach and I’ll give you the same back.”

  She did as he asked, all wobbly from her explosion. Rusty’s hard cock slid into her pussy from behind. His angle rubbed her in a different way. She moved her knees together to tighten her hold on him.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s it, darlin’.”

  Rusty held her hips, guiding her back and forth. She leaned on her hands, bending her elbows to change the angle of his cock to suit herself. She slammed herself back against him, needing him deep, hard, and fast.

  “Damn, you are so special,” he panted. “Come on, let go again. You can do it. Don’t take me there alone.”

  He leaned forward so his chest hair tickled her back. His hand pressed between her belly and thighs. His finger found its way in, teasing what she now knew was her clit. He changed angles, slamming hard and scraping against that spot. She shuddered and released. He groaned and went wild. This explosion was different. Slower, lower, and longer as the hard cock kept working its magic.

  A deep groan, and Rusty fell forward. He wrapped his arms around her. She wasn’t sure who kept the other from falling. After a moment he tilted sideways, taking her with him. She blinked as she gasped for breath. Stars circled and pulsed in the dark sky above.

  “Oh, sugar,” Rusty groaned. “That was one hell of a ride!”

  Chapter 9

  Kate slumped on the privy seat, groaning in relief that it didn’t move. In her previous life she would never have thought sitting still was wonderful. But that Katherine was gone. Kate of the adventurous spirit had taken her place.

  She’d woken to sensuous kisses that eased her into the day after her wild behavior of the night before. They had to help her rise as she was stiff and sore in places she hadn’t realized could hurt that much. Not all of it was from riding her horse. She’d walked it off before breakfast, then gritted her teeth and climbed into the saddle.

  The weather became increasingly hot and humid as the day progressed. It dragged on the horses as well as the three of them. Walking uphill to spare the animals allowed her to stretch her muscles. Getting back in the saddle was agony, but necessary, so she did it without complaint.

  The men were worried about a big storm coming. Thunder and lightning would spook their horses, which was not a good thing when taking steep mountain trails, even without pouring
rain. The big worry was hail. Rusty said he’d seen it hit the ground the size of her fist and bounce up again past his knees. Driven with high winds, it could kill, so they pushed hard all day.

  It felt as if last night passed in a flash. She’d barely cuddled up to Zach’s back when he was shaking her awake in the dark. Low rumbles in the distance had her aching body moving before her mind began to work. That morning ride, cold and hungry, was one she hoped to forget.

  But they were home now, wherever that was. All she saw was a decent-sized cabin before almost falling off the horse and hobbling to the privacy of the privy. She changed into her skirt, allotting herself a few minutes to feel pity, moan about her bumps and bruises, and sigh.

  Both Zach and Rusty were considerate, taking care of the animals first, her needs second, and then their own. They were constantly trying to outdo each other, whether it was quickly saddling the horses or finding something to make her smile. When Zach pointed at the antics of a trio of fox cubs tussling over a stick, Rusty added that he, along with his brother and cousin, were the same way. His wicked grin suggested they would tussle over her as well.

  Zach explained they’d gone to the Bride Train to get the pick of the last women to arrive before winter. Rusty added that Montana Territory men were so desperate for wives they’d take almost anyone. If she didn’t want them, she’d have lots of others grabbing at her skirts. He then gave her a heated look that said she’d be silly to think she could find any better men, and he was ready to prove it whenever she wanted. That look, and promise, had her forgetting about her sore bottom for at least an hour.

  And now it was time to meet the third McInnes man, Gideon, and see what this new phase of life would bring. She straightened up, stepped out, and staggered toward the cabin. Zach had explained how Walt Chamberlain, the man who owned most of the Running W, had built it in a hollow so it would be protected from the strong north and west winds. The door and a window faced south, with another small window to the morning sun.

  “There you are.”

  She turned toward the deep voice to find Zach striding toward her. She straightened up as best she could and hobbled forward.

  “You need some liniment.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the house.

  “I can walk.” She struggled to get down.

  “And I can carry you a lot faster. You need warm water and a hot meal. After that, it’s off to bed with you.”

  She stilled and met his eyes. “A real bed? One that doesn’t move?” Even after riding for two days she could still feel the movement of the train.

  “Yes, ma’am. A soft bed with a mattress, sheets, and quilts.”

  “Oh, that would be heaven. I can hardly wait.”

  She was through with adventure for a while. She’d stay here, cooking and cleaning to pay her way, until she found word of her father. Not that she would tell anyone about that yet. She needed to find Wilbur in secret as he might not be happy to find the daughter he never knew about. Worse, he might not want her, or get angry that she lived with these men without benefit of marriage.

  “I don’t want to wait for a bit of heaven, either,” murmured Zach into her hair.

  Did he intend to share the bed with her when the sun was still up? Her heart pounded, but it was in anticipation, not dread. Zach turned toward the sound of a galloping horse. A man in a black hat, pants, and fringed leather vest raced toward them. He looked like a younger, equally large, version of Zach.

  “Yee-haw! You got us a woman! I didn’t think you’d get here yet.” He hauled his horse to a stop and leaped off right in front of her. He stared down at her, grinning like a huge, eager boy. “She’s pretty, but there ain’t much to her.”

  “Kate, meet my brother, Gideon. Gideon, take your hat off and say howdy to the lady.”

  “Howdy, ma’am.”

  He hauled his hat off, revealing short, brown hair. His blue eyes and wide white smile shone down at her. He was even taller than Zach, who was already far too big.

  “Kate rode the whole way home by herself. That’s why we’re here so fast.” Zach continued toward the cabin, talking over his shoulder. “Of course she’s sore, and needs liniment. She’ll need a nap after that.”

  “Can I help?” Gideon looked at his hands, grimaced, and wiped them on his pants.

  “No!” She struggled even harder to get down. “I can put it on myself!”

  “Nope,” replied Zach. “I’m helping, and that’s the way it is.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him otherwise, but his glower kept her quiet. She’d learned how to pick her battles years ago, and she could tell he was serious about this one. The thought of his hands soothing her sore muscles, perhaps with a few kisses to sooth her, made her pussy throb.

  He carried her into the cabin and set her feet on the floor. She grabbed the back of a chair to keep her balance while he closed the door and shutters. She could see well enough as light came in through the cracks in the shutters, but not the logs. She didn’t know much about log cabins but was pleased. If light could get in, so could wind, bugs, snakes, and more.

  There wasn’t much to see. A table, one chair, two benches, a stove, narrow stairs to the second level, and a bed in the corner.

  One. Big. Bed.

  She gulped. “Is that my bed?”

  Zach sorted through the mugs and things on a wide shelf that ran along one wall. He found what he wanted, turned, and looked at her. His icy-blue eyes seemed to pierce her. His nostrils flared. He set his feet wide and crossed his arms. He looked at her, from feet to bonnet, and back.

  “Yep.” One side of his mouth curved up in a smile that sent shivers from her breasts to her thighs. “Mine, too.” He winked. “But not before I take care of you.”

  “I don’t need taking care of. I can manage quite well on my own.” There was a difference from need and want. Compared to her siblings, she’d gone without a lot of things. It made her realize just how little she needed.

  “Don’t doubt it. There’s few men could get off a train and ride like you did for two days. But I know you’re hurting and I’m wanting to take care of you.”

  Zach set one knee down in front of her. He eased off one boot, and then the other. She flexed her toes and rolled her ankles.

  His fingers went under her skirt. She slapped her hands down to stop him. He immediately stopped, though he grasped her knees. A tremor travelled from his touch up between her legs. He looked at her, solemn for once.

  “I don’t think you want to sit down to do this,” he said. “And you’ll fall over if you let go of that chair. So I’m going to help you.”

  “I can take my stockings off myself.”

  The skin around his eyes crinkled. He slowly shook his head. His hot thumbs caressed her inner thighs through her skirt. Her legs trembled, and not from the strain of riding. Her nipples rose as if she was chilled, but she felt like she was burning up.

  “A man expects to take care of his woman,” he murmured. “And I intend to take care of you.”

  “I’m not your woman.”

  “If you’re living here and sleeping in my bed, you’re mine. Near enough to a wife.”

  “But we’re not married. And we may never be,” she added.

  One corner of his lip turned up. “I’ll take that chance.”

  He stared at her like a cat stalking a mouse. His hands went under her skirt and rose to the tops of her stockings. She couldn’t speak. He eased them down, letting his fingers trace across her thighs. He slowly rolled each one off and tossed them aside. Nothing existed except his touch on her body. The third time his hands slid up her legs he trailed his fingers lightly between her thighs.

  “I’m feeling your skin to see where you need soothing.” His voice was rough, as if he’d been yelling.

  She found it hard to breathe as his fingers trailed ever higher. He encouraged her to move her feet apart. He brushed his fingers lightly at the top of her thighs. When he touched her intimate flesh,
a jolt shot through her. She almost crumpled. He groaned, as if in deep pain, and dropped his hands on his knees. He suddenly stood and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her on her back and went down on one knee.

  “I can’t see well enough with you standing.”

  She knew she shouldn’t let him do it, but she wanted his fingers to touch her again. To touch that spot he’d found for her. All those times she’d rested against the train’s vibration was nothing compared to one touch of his finger. She nodded, biting her lip. He slumped for a second, took a deep breath, and slowly drew her skirt up. He moved between her thighs and looked closely at her skin.

  “That must hurt,” he whispered. “I’ll kiss it better.”

  She gasped as Zach traced his way up her leg with his lips. He pushed her skirt to her hips as his kisses drew closer to her core. She found herself tilting her bottom to encourage him. He smiled and kissed her belly. After a warning wink he touched her clit. The jolt made her throw her head back, her arms wide to grasp the quilt.

  “Your thighs aren’t in too bad shape,” he said, “but your pussy needs some help.”

  She watched him stroke her folds with his finger. How could a man that large touch her so delicately? She opened her legs to encourage him. He chuckled.

  “Your clit’s standing up. It needs my touch.”

  He bent his head and touched her with his tongue. She cried out. He did wonderful things with his tongue and fingers. She closed her eyes and arched her back, spreading her legs to demand more.

  He gave it, and her world exploded.

  She cried out, shuddering as the intense feelings faded. She panted, her head buzzing like a tree full of bees. Fingers fumbled with her buttons. Cool air rushed over her skin.

  “That get rid of your aches and pains?”

  She opened her eyes to find a very amused man leaning over her. He flicked his eyes to her chest. She squawked, seeing her breasts exposed to him. She tried to cover herself, but he brushed her hands away.


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